Sunday, October 14, 2007

Some weather report that!!!

Am watching NEWS....
Newsreader : Lets go over to mr.XYZ ...for weather report.....we are expecting heavy rain in the bay area for next few days...he'll give us the details... : Well, first of all, its not going to be HEAVY rain

(Newsreader's voice in the background : ) : Ok ...Substantial rain ???laughs

xyz: Not even going to rain...thats all....

Geos on to show the satellite picture and all....showing the clouds in the sea moving on to the temperatures table for next 4 days.
And concludes ; "Tomorrow 6 pm...Its going to rain...You bet!!!"

That takes my mind to the weather report back home "Heavy to very heavy rain expected in the next 48 hours"...we know how reliable even that is.

Was left wondering whether was displaying his Supreme confidence, expertise and self-belief....Or was it the arrogance we typically associate with Americans?

I was about to find out in less that 24 hours.

Next day morning- very sunny signs of rain...Starts getting dark and cloudy by noon. By 5 it is pitch dark with cool wonds blowing....hmmm 6'o clock came and went no rain.....I smile to was the arrogance after all....It rains at 11:30 in the night...thats still 5 and half hours too late.

Next day i see in the news that the north bay - San francisco region got rains in the evening.....Oops.....

Moral of the story - How judgemental do we get?