Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bored kid... Help!!

Whats with children and "Mom! I am bored"?
Boredom is natural and according to me constructive. Spells of doing nothing for hours. Can help one develop patience, being introspective, even get more creative.
What with the 24 hour cartoon channels, On Demand and the internet, Boredom threshold has sure gone waaaay down.

The kid sets off for school 7:15, comes back 3:35. Has 2 of her favourite programs between 4 to 5. Arthur and Word girl. At 5, she puts off the TV, yells, "I AM BORED"...You JUST put off the TV kid! left thumb still on the TV remote power button....Bored?

And today morning, while I am surfing away, she is watching Spongebob Squarepants. She goes, "I am bored". I am like, "excuse me, i think you are watching Spongebob?" Yes! But its the commercial break!! And I am bored!!

Boo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Meteor Shower

As I lie down on the bed and look at the cloudy sky from the bedroom window, I say to hubby:
There's going be a Meteor shower tonight.

He is like, What Shower?

Meteor Shower!!

What is it?

Remember this thing that happened some 8-10 years back? Its like....

WAIT!!! Before you delve into a scientific explanation, just answer one question.

Err.... What?

Is it going to rain?


Then its ok. Coz if it does, I don't want to get up in the middle of the night to close that window.
