Sunday, March 30, 2008

Spare the air

This post from csm inspires me to write about a nice campaign by VTA, the Bus and light-rail authority in Bay area.

They offer free rides on their buses and trains few days in a year.

Following is the excerpt from their website...

“One of the most effective ways residents can help protect public health, the climate, and air quality in the Bay Area is to make everyday clean air choices like riding VTA and driving less,”

“This is a major accomplishment given that not driving for just one day avoids almost one pound of smog-forming pollution and 30 pounds of greenhouse gasses,” said MTC Executive Director Steve Heminger. “As the largest free transit program in the country, the Spare the Air free transit initiative is leading the way in mobilizing residents to slow the effects of climate change.”

This is far from possible in India, I am aware. The initiative taken by VTA is impressive though.

Monday, March 24, 2008


This is the quietest birthday i am having. No, the previous ones were not huge birthday bashes, getting drunk and all..
Its more about the quiet inside me. There was always this anticipation, what surprise gift someone might give, who might call me to wish, feeling bad that certain someone did not remember my birthday even when i remembered his/ her's....You know, those kind of disquieting thoughts.

Its so much better this time. Just one phone call from parents and brother. Phone is quiet, but i do not find it disquieting :) Forgetting birthdates is not an option for anyone anymore. there's Orkut. So, friends could duly write a 'happy birthday' scrap. Good enough. There are many who did not write a scrap/mail...and i have no problems with it...

Could not have had a better birthday.

Happy birthday me....

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Tears for oil

Can a regular errand like Laundry be memorable? It was for me.

Was busy loading the washer in the apartment laundry. Noticed a guy in US army uniform busy at the dryer.
Could not stop chatting up.

Me:"Are you in the army?" (You never confirm)

Soldier: "Yep"
(pause) we both get busy. He starts to leave, and says,

I am leaving today

Where for?

IRAQ (Eye-raak, he says)....

Oh...(i don't know what to say)...finally manage...Is this the first time?

No, Second

Oh...(Again i don't know what to say)....Idiotic question follows...What is it like there?

He shrugs, Its CRAZY, what more can i say?

I am not done yet, more idiotic comments to follow- ...."Its been years now, American people are against it, still the government is adamant on keeping troops in Iraq. "

They want to help. Although, when we had the huge flood down south, nobody helped. No country did.

Hmm....I hope this madness ends soon. and you come back quickly.

He smiles, (but his eyes are brimming with tears). Thats face is imprinted in my memory. Inexplicable.

We say goodbye...SEE YOU SOON.

I come home with a heavy heart. Idiot me, should have asked his apartment number. I can at least go and meet his family while he is away....Never thinking of right things at the right time is an old problem with me. And now there is no way of knowing....

Next day, at the gas station, hubby is complaining about the raise in Petrol prices. from 3.37$/ gallon to 3.48/ gallon.....Hubby's friend chipped in, If not for the troops in Iraq, It will go to 10$/ gallon. May be. I don't understand the politics/ Economics behind it. But what about the tough soldier's eyes brimming with tears? What about them?