Monday, March 24, 2008


This is the quietest birthday i am having. No, the previous ones were not huge birthday bashes, getting drunk and all..
Its more about the quiet inside me. There was always this anticipation, what surprise gift someone might give, who might call me to wish, feeling bad that certain someone did not remember my birthday even when i remembered his/ her's....You know, those kind of disquieting thoughts.

Its so much better this time. Just one phone call from parents and brother. Phone is quiet, but i do not find it disquieting :) Forgetting birthdates is not an option for anyone anymore. there's Orkut. So, friends could duly write a 'happy birthday' scrap. Good enough. There are many who did not write a scrap/mail...and i have no problems with it...

Could not have had a better birthday.

Happy birthday me....


Preeti Aghalayam aka kbpm said...

i know what you mean! i almost love it these days when the only people that remember my birthday are my husband, mum, and in-laws (the ones that never forget). i remember one time long ago when i went ballistic at my sis cause she forgot my birthday. now i feel real peaceful about it all and just want to go through the day. hope it happens!

Vanessa said...

yes, its wonderful :)