Sunday, February 10, 2008

The video-game effect?

We've all heard of the possible effects that violent computer/video games have on teens and children. I have played games like Blood, Quake, Roadrash etc during my younger days. And always believed this theory to be rubbish. I was forced to change my mind.

Why? Because of this small incident:

We are driving on a city road, stopped at the signal. Right in front of our car is a biker....They make a gr8 sight...fully geared from top to toe....helmets, gloves, jackets, knee pads and what not. Just looking at the bike reminded me of 'Roadrash'..Similar attire of the biker and similar type of motorbike...width of the tires really impresses me :)

As the signal turned green, he took a left turn, we followed and eventually overtook him. The thoughts/images that crossed my mind during the overtake were startling...As i saw him to our car's left, i suddenly imagined myself prodding him with a stick, kicking and punching until he fell.....poor guy...i didnt even see his face, but the imagination startled me....The source is undoubtedly Roadrash. But, its been years ii have played it, or any computer game for that matter (except for text twist on yahoo games)...

Yes, now i believe in the opening sentence i wrote in this post...If it could affect me this way, what the games must be doing to young impressionable minds is unfathomable. God, help me keep my daughter away from that stuff....and hopefully ensure her sanity.

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